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The National Mental Health Program was launched in May 2014 within the Ministry of Public Health with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and International Medical Corps (IMC), with the aim of reforming mental health care in Lebanon and providing services beyond medical treatment at the community level, in line with Human Rights and the latest evidence for best practices.

The program has been working on many fronts: integration of mental health into primary care, engaging universities and scientific societies, mapping of the mental health system in Lebanon, developing key documents for mental health, to name a few. In addition, the MOPH established and is currently chairing the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Task Force (MHPSS TF). Co-chaired by WHO and UNICEF, this task force includes around 40 organizations working on the Syrian Crisis response in Lebanon with the aim of harmonizing and mainstreaming MHPSS in all sectors and improving access to care.

The NMHP has launched in May 2015 a Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention, Promotion, and Treatment Strategy for Lebanon for the period of 2015-2020. 
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