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"Time to talk"

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), launched the third National Awareness Campaign on Mental Health “Time_To_Talk” “صار_وقت_نحكي”, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO), ABAAD, International Medical Corps (IMC), and Medecins du Monde, through an official launching event open to the public in Nejmeh Square in the capital’s centre on Friday September 14, 2018. The campaign extended for a month until October 10, 2018, World Mental Health Day. The aim of the campaign is to encourage persons to speak about mental health anytime and anywhere and to encourage people to listen and support persons when they need to seek care.

Read the press release of the national mental health campaign 2018:
Press release
Watch the campaign awareness video: 
"Time to talk"
Watch the short documentary on public perception of mental health: 
Public perception of mental health
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