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Date: 05/07/2018
The Lebanese Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with WHO-Lebanon office conducted a one day training over 3 days on June 27, 28 and 29 2018 on the new Lebanon Clinical Trials Registry (LBCTR).

The training was given by experts from WHO-Head Quarter- Geneva, WHO-Eastern Mediterranean-Cairo and relevant staff from the ministry of public health. 
The Objectives of the training were to provide hands-on training on how to register a clinical trial using the software that was developed by WHO for Lebanon to be used, to answer any clarifications about the registration process and to initiate the pilot phase of the registry planned to take place from early July  till September 30, 2018.

The total number of participants were around 92 divided over the 3 days. Participants were mainly from pharmaceutical companies, local manufacturers and/or representatives agents, clinical research organizations (CROs), and members from authorized IRBs, people from academia and researchers.

The Lebanese Clinical Trials Registry (LBCTR) is an online register of clinical trials being undertaken in Lebanon. The LBCTR will include trials that target humans; from the full spectrum of therapeutic areas of pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, preventive measures, lifestyle, devices, treatment and rehabilitation strategies and complementary therapies. The LBCTR will allow registration for interventional as well as observational studies. After the pilot phase of testing the LBCTR, the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health will apply to become a primary registry of the WHO ICTRP Network of registries.
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