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Preamble for the publication of the accreditation standards

For the purpose of improving and updating the current hospital accreditation system in Lebanon, the Ministry of Public Health aimed to revise and develop new Lebanese hospital accreditation standards according to latest evidence and international best practices and also to comply with International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) requirements.

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and the French Health Authority (HAS) for a new iteration of the accreditation project in collaboration, in collaboration with the Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA) as a local counterpart to ensure logistical, educational and administrative support. The governance of the program kept the current organizational structure: the Comité National d’Accréditation Hospitalière (CNAH) and the Comité Technique d’Accréditation Hospitalière (CTAH). In addition to a new unit created at the Ministry of Health as the operational structure, the Bureau d’Accréditation et d’Evaluation (BAE) to follow-up on the implementation of the project. The revision of the procedure and the manual involved the skills of local experts.

The main purpose of the new system is to determine the level of compliance with the new standards by all aspects of the healthcare system, and assure the functional documented existence of structure (organizational parameters), and process (methods of practices), in order to achieve optimum clinical measurable outcomes (consequences and results) for the patient.

The Ministry of Public Health announces the official publication of the new accreditation standards manual for hospitals.

The present version will be updated soon with an “intent” for each standard that helps meet the requirements of the standards.

The first accreditation visits will start for voluntary hospitals (September 2019) and in a later stage, the visits will be mandatory for all hospitals.

For any inquiry, please contact the MOPH by email on:
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