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Health Indicators

The Health Indicators provide concise information of the health situation and trends, including responses at national and global levels. They reflect indicators of relevance for country, regional and global reporting across the full spectrum of global health priorities. This section includes an excerpt of a country-tailored list for monitoring health status in Lebanon. This list will be a “dynamic entity”, updated periodically as more indicators are added, technologies develop and new priorities emerge. The following summary tables represent the best available country estimates of some indicators:

Health Determinants and Risks

Demographic and Socioeconomic Determinants
  Unit 2010 2011 2012 2013
Population Size 1000 citizens 3,962 4,036 4,104 4,168
Number of Registered Births 1000 citizens 91,795 97,887 90,167 86,950
Number of Registered Deaths 1000 citizens 21,441 23,257 22,792 23,414
Number of Hospital Births 1000 citizens - 77,341 79,605 89,379
Risk Factors
  Unit 2011 2012 2013
Low Birth Weight ( less than 2500g) 1000 citizens - 5957 6817
Cesarean Delivery Rate % 46.1 47.6 46.5

Health Status  

Life Expectancy and Mortality 
  Unit 2012
Life expectancy at birth - Males Year 80.27
Life expectancy at birth - Females Year 82.11
Life expectancy at birth - Total Year 81.24
Early neonatal mortality rate per 1000 live births   4.1
Maternal mortality ratio per 100 000 live births   18
Percent prevalence of chronic conditions among users of chronic drugs program* 
*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page

Number of newly reported HIV cases*
*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page

Number of Measles cases

Number of Tuberculosis cases*
Tuberculosis cases 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total number of cases 515 499 630 689
Number of Lebanese cases  344 298 330 341
Number of Non-Lebanese cases 171 200 300 348
*MOPH National Tuberculosis Program

Health System Response

Health Expenditure
  Unit 2011 2012
Budget of the MOPH Billion LBP 527.9 549.5
Per capita total expenditure on health (THE) $US - 751
Out-of-pocket expenditure as % of THE Percent - 37.34
Health Workforce
  Unit 2010 2011 2012 2013
Physicians per 10,000 population 30.7 32 36.5 31.9
Nursing and Midwifery per 10,000 population 23.3 27.2 29.1 33.1
Dentists per 10,000 population 14.3 14.7 12.7 12.6
Pharmacists per 10,000 population 14.6 15.7 18.6 16.8
Medicines and Medical devices
Density per million population of high tech equipment
Machines N*
Open heart surgery departments 27
Cardiac catheterization laboratories 59
Kidney transplant centers 8
Bone marrow transplant units 6
Specialized burns centers 3
CT scan machines 110
MRI machines 41
PET scan 7
Dialysis machines 841
*High tech equipment in the public and private sector
*Number as provided by the Department of Projects and Programs in 2014 pertaining to the latest available figures (2012)
Service Delivery
Number of Hospitals contracted by the MOPH by Mohafazah and Type*

*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page

Number of Admissions Subsidized by the MOPH by Qada*

*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page

Number of In-Patients Subsidized by the MOPH by Qada and hospital type*

*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page


Number of medical centers and beneficiaries per center receiving chronic drugs by Mohafaza*

*For previous years check the Statistical Bulletins' page

Service Coverage
National immunizat ion coverage rates by polio, measles and pentavalent vaccines
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