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Second National Immunization Campaign against Polio
During 15th -21st November 2014, the Second National Polio Immunization Campaign was implemented in collaboration with UNICEF and WHO,  through which a series of Polio Vaccination Recreation Days were planned covering different areas in Lebanon, including: Tripoli, Deir Ammar, Meniyeh Danniyeh, Bebnine, Baalbeck, Beirut, Saida and Iqlim El-Kharoub.
These Recreation Days achieved a greater success by reaching 96% of the Primary Health Care department's target in vaccinating children under 5 years old against polio, among which 45% of the total vaccinated children were Syrian and other nationalities.
Examples of the Recreation days held in November are:

  • Recreation Day at Riyadi Club, Beirut
On Monday, November 17th 2014 a successful Recreation Day was held for school children at Riyadi Club, Beirut. This event was organized by the Primary Health Care Department (MoPH) in collaboration with UNICEF, and attended by representatives from WHO and IMC.
During this day approximately 200 students, under the age of 5 years old, from the schools of Dar el Aytam el Islamiya and Al Makassed, were vaccinated under the supervision of Registered Nurses from Primary Health Care Centers of Dar el Fatwa, Makhzoumi Foundation, Al Makassed Charitable Society and Beirut Development Association Center.
In addition to the free polio vaccination, the participating children were entertained with clowns and lively plays performed by ‘’The Arab Puppet Theatre Foundation’’. At the end of the event, The Rotary Club distributed snacks and coloring books to the children.
  • Karakozian Primary Health Care Center
On Tuesday 18th November 2014, UNICEF conducted a documentary shooting session at Karakozian Primary Health Care Center concerning the Second National Immunization Campaign against Polio. The essential role the Ministry plays in preventing poliomyelitis disease through organizing such National Polio Vaccination Campaigns was reported. Furthermore, the proceeding of the campaign was presented and parents’ opinion regarding the campaign and the reason behind vaccinating their children was also highlighted.
  • Recreation Day at Ch’him
On Thursday, 20th November 2014 another successful Recreation Day was also held at Ch’him Educational Hall, which happened to take place simultaneously with the celebration of Lebanon’s Independence Day reflected in the attending children’s costumes and celebration spirit.
During this event, 958 children under the age of 5 years old were vaccinated against polio, attending from schools located in the region of ‘’Iqlim Kharoub’’. Out of a total of 42 private and public schools in this region, 17 schools participated, and out of 15 public schools, 8 schools attended this event.
Aside from the free polio vaccination, the children were also entertained with several activities, including: puppet shows, musical plays and songs. The children were also given coloring books and snacks at the end of the event by the Rotary Club.
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