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In the past months, the increased escalations of violent attacks, airstrikes, and bombings in Lebanon have resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, missing persons, displacement and a lot of sadness, grief, pain, and anxiety in people living in Lebanon. Health systems have been responding at full capacity, yet resources are limited, and the needs are immense.
The National Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Task Force chaired by the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) and co-chaired by WHO and UNICEF, and together with the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) have developed the National Multisectoral MHPSS Emergency Response Plan. The development of this emergency plan was done through a consultative process where local and international mental health partners’ feedback was collected and integrated. The NMHP, WHO and UNICEF have been coordinating, implementing, and monitoring the activities of this emergency plan across sectors and levels of care.
The emergency plan remains as a live document subjected to continuous updating as the situation unfolds.
Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Response Resources
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