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الخط الساخن للخدمات الصحية للنازحين اللبنانيين 1787   
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الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحّة العامة 1214   
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وزير الصحة : 3 حالات دلتا ايجابية في لبنان والتلقيح الطريق الوحيد للحماية

أعلن وزير الصحة العامة في حكومة تصريف الاعمال الدكتور حمد حسن، وجود ثلاث حالات "دلتا" ايجابية. ودعا المواطنين في خلال حملة تلقيح في منطقة ضهور الشوير، في حضور النائب الياس بو صعب الى الاقبال على التلقيح، لانه الطريق الوحيد للحماية اضافة للاجراءات الوقائية".

وأكد "أن برنامج الترصد الوبائي في وزارة الصحة العامة يعمل على تحديد مصدر هذه الحالات".
التصنيف العلاجي الاسم أساسي / جنيسي التركيبة العلمية العيار الشكل الصيدلاني سعر المبيع من العموم
J07BH01 ROTARIX ORAL B Rota virus human RIX4414, live attenuated - ?106 CCID50 Suspension 5,167,074 L.L
J07BH01 ROTASIIL, ROTAVIRUS VACCINE, LIVE ATTENUATED (ORAL FREEZE-DRIED) BioTech Rotavirus bovine-human , live attenuated - Suspension 2,822,069 L.L
J07BH01 ROTASIIL, ROTAVIRUS VACCINE, LIVE ATTENUATED (ORAL LIQUID) BioTech Rotavirus bovine-human , live attenuated - Liquid 2,822,069 L.L
J07BK01 VARILRIX + SOLVENT IN SYRINGE B Varicella virus, live attenuated - ?1033 PFU ?1033 PFU Injectable lyophilised powder for solution+diluent 3,473,833 L.L
J07BK01 VARIVAX B Varicella virus, live attenuated - 1350PFU Injectable powder for suspension+diluent 4,102,751 L.L
J07BK01 VARICELLA VACCINE LIVE BioTech Varicella-herpes zoster virus (Oka strain), grown in human diploid cells (SV-cell line), live attenuated - Injectable suspension 3,104,276 L.L
J07BM03 GARDASIL 9 HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS 9- VALENT VACCINE RECOMBINANT B Papillomavirus (human type 6) - 30mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 11) - 40mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 16) - 60mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 18) - 40mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 31) - 20mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 33) - 20mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 45) - 20mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 52) - 20mcg/0.5ml, Papillomavirus (human type 58) - 20mcg/0.5ml Injectable suspension 14,139,396 L.L
J07CA LANTIGEN B B Streptococcus pneumoniae type 3 (antigenic extracts) - 63.2A.U./ml, Streptococcus pyogenes group A (antigenic extracts) - 126.2A.U./ml, Branhamella catarrhalis (antigenic extracts) - 39.9A.U./ml, Staphylococcus aureus (antigenic extracts) - 79.6A.U./ml, Haemophilus influenzae type b (antigenic extracts) - 50.2A.U./ml, Klebsiella pneumoniae (antigenic extracts) - 39.8A.U./ml Drops suspension 916,501 L.L
J07CA02 TETRAXIM (Vaccin Diphterique, tetanique, coquelucheux acellulaire et Poliomyelitique inactivé adsorbé) B Diphteria toxoid purified - ?30IU, Tetanus toxoid purified - ?40IU, Poliomyelitis virus type 1 inactivated - 40D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 2 inactivated - 8D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 3 inactivated - 32D.U., Bordetella Pertussis Antigens: toxoid - 25mcg, Bordetella Pertussis Antigens: filamentous haemagglutinin - 25mcg Injectable suspension 1,628,737 L.L
J07CA06 INFANRIX IPV + HIB B Poliomyelitis virus type 3 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 32D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 2 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 8D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 1 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 40D.U., Bordetella pertussis antigen(Prefilled syringe) - toxoid 25mcg+filamentous haemaglutinin 25mcg+pertactin 8mcg, Tetanus toxoid (Prefilled syringe) - ?40IU, Diphtheria toxoid (Prefilled syringe) - ?30IU, H. Influenza type b polysaccharide(Vial) - 10mcg Injectable dry powder+suspension 3,014,239 L.L
J07CA06 PENTAXIM B Poliomyelitis virus type 3 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 32D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 2 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 8D.U., Poliomyelitis virus type 1 inactivated(Prefilled syringe) - 40D.U., Bordetella pertussis antigen (Prefilled syringe) - toxoid 25mcg+filamentous haemaglutinin 25mcg, Tetanus toxoid (Prefilled syringe) - ?40IU, Diphtheria toxoid (Prefilled syringe) - ?30IU, H. Influenza type b polysaccharide(Vial) - 10mcg Injectable dry powder+suspension 2,558,676 L.L
J07CA09 INFANRIX HEXA B Diphteria toxoid purified (Prefilled syringe) - ?30IU/0.5ml, Tetanus toxoid purified (prefilled syringe) - ?40IU/0.5ml, Bordetella pertussis antigen (Prefilled syringe) - toxoid 25mcg+filamentous haemaglutinin 25mcg+pertactin 8mcg/0.5ml, Poliomyelitis virus type 1 antigen (prefilled syringe) - 40D.U./0.5ml, Poliomyelitis virus type 2 antigen(prefilled syringe) - 8D.U./0.5ml, Poliomyelitis virus type 3 antigen (prefilled syringe) - 32D.U./0.5ml, HBs Antigen (prefilled syringe) - 10mcg/0.5ml, H. Influenza type b polysaccharide (Vial) - 10mcg/0.5ml Injectable suspension 4,230,416 L.L
J07CA09 HEXAXIM BioTech Diphteria Toxoid - ?20IU/0.5ml, Tetanus toxoid - ?40IU/0.5ml, Bordetella Pertussis Antigens: toxoid - 25mcg/0.5ml, Bordetella Pertussis Antigens: filamentous haemagglutinin - 25mcg/0.5ml, Polio virus inactivated type 1 (Mahoney strain) - 40D antigen units/0.5ml, Polio virus inactivated type 2 (MEF-I strain) - 8D antigen units/0.5ml, Polio virus inactivated type 3 (Saukett strain) - 32D antigen units/0.5ml, Hepatitis B, surface antigen - 10mcg/0.5ml, H. Influenza type b polysaccharide1 ,2 - 12mcg/0.5ml, 1 conjugated to tetanus protein - 22-36mcg, 2 adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide hydrated, Al+++ - 0.6mg Injectable suspension 4,462,901 L.L
J07CA11 DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS,PERTUSSIS, HEPATITIS B AND HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYPE B CONJUGATE VACCINE B Diphteria Toxoid1 - ?25Lf (?30IU)/0.5ml, Tetanus toxoid1 - ?2.5Lf (?40IU)/0.5ml, Bordetella pertussis (Whole cell) - ?16OU (?4.0IU)/0.5ml, HBs Antigen (r DNA)1 - ?10mcg/0.5ml, H. Influenza type b, purified capsular polysaccharide2 - 10mcg/0.5ml, 1 adsorbed on aluminium phosphate, Al+++ - ?1.25mg , 2 conjugated to tetanos toxoid carrier protein - Injectable suspension 1,515,854 L.L
L01AA01 ENDOXAN B Cyclophosphamide (monohydrate) - 500mg 500mg Injectable powder for solution 764,646 L.L
L01AA06 HOLOXAN B Ifosfamide - 1g 1g Injectable powder for solution 3,586,850 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAMUSTINE HYDROCHLORIDE G Bendamustine HCl - 25mg/10ml 25mg/10ml Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 19,610,153 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAMUSTINE MEDAC G Bendamustine HCl - 2.5mg/ml (25mg) 2.5mg/ml Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 24,934,922 L.L
L01AA09 RIBOMUSTIN B Bendamustine HCl - 100mg 100mg Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 31,939,807 L.L
L01AA09 RIBOMUSTIN B Bendamustine HCl - 100mg 100mg Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 31,939,807 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAMUSTINE HYDROCHLORIDE G Bendamustine HCl - 100mg/50ml 100mg/50ml Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 78,439,178 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAMUSTINE HYDROCHLORIDE GP PHARM G Bendamustine HCl - 100mg/50ml 100mg/50ml Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 78,439,178 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAMUSTINE MEDAC G Bendamustine HCl - 2.5mg/ml (100mg) 2.5mg/ml Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 16,887,989 L.L
L01AA09 BENDAVIVAL G Bendamustine HCl - 100mg 100mg Injectable concentrated powder for solution 26,072,618 L.L
L01AC01 TEPADINA G Thiotepa - 100mg 100mg Injectable powder for concentrate for solution 98,197,306 L.L
L01AX03 TEMODAL B Temozolomide - 250mg 250mg Capsule 18,516,505 L.L
L01AX03 TEGOZOL G Temozolomide - 250mg 250mg Capsule 24,856,894 L.L
L01AX03 TEMOZOLOMIDE ACCORD G Temozolomide - 250mg 250mg Capsule, hard 13,397,927 L.L
L01AX03 TEMOZOLOMIDE GP PHARM G Temozolomide - 250mg 250mg Capsule, hard 12,058,004 L.L
L01AX03 TEMODAL B Temozolomide - 100mg 100mg Capsule 7,731,224 L.L
حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوظة ل وزارة الصحة العامة ©2025