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الخط الساخن للخدمات الصحية للنازحين اللبنانيين 1787   
الخط الساخن لدخول المرضى الى المستشفيات 01/832700   
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الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحّة العامة 1214   
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رؤية الوزارة حول التحول الرقمي للقطاع الصحي

Foreword by the Minister of Health

In the following pages, we reveal a compelling vision for the future of digital health in Lebanon—an innovative blueprint developed through collaborative, forward-thinking, and inclusive efforts. With the recognition of digital technology as an integral driver of healthcare improvement, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has been at the forefront, rallying essential stakeholders and orchestrating strategic discussions aimed at redefining our healthcare landscape.

This grand vision is grounded in the National Health Strategy, launched by the MoPH in January 2023. Recognizing the importance of digital health transformation, this strategy identified it as a crucial pillar. From this sturdy foundation, the Digital Health Retreat was organized on May 18, 2023. This retreat acted as a catalyst, creating an arena for stakeholders to identify the challenges and opportunities present in Lebanon's digital health ecosystem. A consensus was reached, emphasizing the pressing need for a consolidated vision that enables our healthcare system and augments health outcomes for our people.

Our healthcare sector, while resilient, faces its fair share of hurdles. With this understanding, and building upon the significant investments in digital health stipulated by the National Health Strategy, our vision aims to utilize digital solutions to overcome these barriers, thereby enriching healthcare outcomes. This is a vision of synergy, empowerment, and readiness for the evolving landscape of healthcare.

Our transformative vision transcends policy constraints. It establishes a detailed blueprint for developing a resilient digital health infrastructure. These strategies encompass a multitude of aspects—from digital platforms and mobile applications to health information exchange systems and more.
The implications of this digital health transformation are immense. From improved care coordination to enhanced population health outcomes, this vision for digital health, inherent in the National Health Strategy, is poised to serve as a guiding beacon for our future. Our journey begins here, and we invite you to join us as we map the pathway for a healthier Lebanon. Together, we can transform this vision into reality.

Vision for Digital Health Transformation
حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوظة ل وزارة الصحة العامة ©2024