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Date: 01/03/2024
"Within the framework of  the national cancer awareness campaign launched by the National Cancer Plan implementation committee at the Ministry of Public Health on World Cancer Day, February 4, Dr Pierre Anhoury, advisor to the Minister of Public Health, organized an informative session on cancer awareness for 10th graders at the Lycée Abdel Kader school.

During the session, Dr. Anhoury emphasized the crucial link between lifestyle choices and cancer risk factors, particularly highlighting the correlation between smoking, physical activity and a healthy diet. The interactive nature of the discussion helped students grasp the importance of adopting healthier habits to reduce the risk of cancer in the future.

Students were enthusiastic and engaged throughout the session, actively participating and asking thoughtful questions. Their willingness to learn underscores the importance of raising awareness of cancer prevention and early detection among young people.

This initiative reflects the Ministry of Public Health's ongoing efforts to educate and empower all individuals in the fight against cancer."
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