Date: 18/04/2020
Author: NNA
Source: NNA
Minister Hasan Hands Over a PCR Examination Device to Halba Governmental Hospital
The Minister of Public Health Dr. Hamad Hasan visited for the second time Dr. Abdullah Al-Rasi Governmental Hospital in Halba, as he handed over a PCR examination device to its administration.
After touring the hospital’s ward that is being set up to receive the suspected cases of coronavirus, Minister Hasan mentioned in a statement that similar PCR devices are available in 7 governorates, in addition to the device already available at Rafik Hariri University Hospital, to which a second device was provided to perform up to 480 additional tests.
“Tripoli Governmental Hospital was granted also this morning a similar device, and in Zahleh the PCR tests will be launched today. At Elias Hrawi and Baableck governmental hospitals, PCR tests are also available now,” Hasan added.
Hasan expressed gratitude to all the political figures and the members of parliament for their efforts exerted to provide the Lebanese people in Akkar with all the healthcare services. He also thanked Minister Talal Hawat who worked on the operation of a system offered by China to all the governmental hospitals that helps collect information on COVID-19.