Date: 30/04/2020
Source: MoPH
Lab Results of Passengers on Tuesday Flights(Second Phase of the Return of Expatriates)
The Ministry of Public Health announces that one of the passengers who flew in to the country two days ago from Congo as part of the second phase of Lebanese repatriation tested positive for COVID-19.
Another passenger returning from Paris tested also positive. PCR tests will be administered once again to two passengers on the same flight to confirm their results.
A passenger on board a private jet from Liberia tested positive.
The passengers whose test results returned positive will be transferred to the hospital. Those who tested negative are urged to strictly comply with home-quarantine, and they will be daily followed up by the ministry. Any person who shows symptoms will be sent to the hospital and retested.
The test results of all the passengers on board the planes from Larnaca, Dammam and Lagos returned negative.