Date: 20/07/2017
Author: MOPH
Source: MOPH
Meeting of the Committee in Charge of the Implementation of the Medicines Barcode and the Unified Medical Prescription Projects
In the context of enhancing the quality of healthcare services and the access of the patient to safer medicines and to decrease the counterfeited drugs,
The Committee in charge of the implementation of the Medicines Barcode and the Unified Medical Prescription Projects held a meeting under the chairmanship of the Director General of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Walid Ammar, and in the presence of the Ministry’s team, the Head of the Syndicate of Pharmaceutical Importers and Owners of Warehouses Mr. Arman Fares and the President of the Lebanese Order of Pharmacists Dr. Georges Sili to discuss the mechanism of the application of the two-dimensional bar code project on the imported and locally manufactured pharmaceuticals.
The Project Manager, Mrs. Lina Abou Mrad, made an introduction about the progress made in this regard and the necessary actions needed to proceed with the implementation of this project at the national level.
Dr. Ammar stressed the importance of the partnership with the concerned health sector stakeholders to ensure the success of the project. He affirmed that the primary objective of the project is to enhance the performance of the health sector and to ensure the patient’s health. Dr. Ammar also stressed that all these data will be confidential and won’t be shared with any other parties.
It has been agreed as well upon the development of an action plan to be submitted to his Excellency Mr. Ghassan Hasbani to get his approval and to start implementing at a later stage.