In end of 2014 the MOPH embarked in a large exercise of developing a 2015-2020 strategic plan for the health sector. All MOPH departments, main stakeholders, the academia and renowned experts were involved in this exercise. In mid 2015 OMSAR, in the framework of an EU financed project, recruited consultants to assist 4 ministries, including the MOPH, to develop a strategic plan according to a nationally standardized model.
Based on the many documents produced by the MOPH drafting team and following thorough consultations with the MOPH departments and national experts, the consultant produced a draft strategic plan 2016-2020.
Given that this document was inspired, to a large extent, from the discussions with the MOPH drafting team, and in order to be consistent with other ministries’ plan, the MOPH decided to adopt the general structure and content of the document produced by the consultant. The current final document is based on a pre-final draft produced by the consultant, that was fine tuned and revised by the drafting team at the MOPH, to highlight important facts or analysis, that were indispensable for contextual understanding.
We deplore however the lack of analysis of the socio-political context and of the historical development of the Lebanese public administration, considering their important implications on the health system and on the feasibility of certain reforms proposed by the consultant.
Therefore, thematic and programmatic operational plans developed by the MOPH drafting team would be considered as an integral part of the overall strategic plan for the health sector. Another essential document for the understanding of the healthcare system in Lebanon is the “Strategic Directions of the healthcare system in Lebanon” attached in Annex 1 to this strategic plan.
Finally, we would like to highligh the following:
- This is a Budget neutral plan.
- Each program has its own pace and independent dynamic for assessment and planning.
- This strategy is meant to be a living document that would evolve in parallel to the progress at each front.
Walid Ammar MD, Ph.D