Lebanon is passing through one of the most severe and complex crises in its recent history, caused by the interplay of political turbulence, socioeconomic meltdown, and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic. Regionally, conflict and instability continue to result in the influx of refugees, which constitute now around one third of the Lebanese population.
The intertwined crises Lebanon has been suffering from unmasked the effects of pre-existing health system inefficiencies, including the predominance of tertiary care over preventive and primary care; a weakened public health sector; a pluralistic financing system; and a supply-induced demand with unsustainable and unrealistic expectations. The synergistic effects of these crises amplified the malfunctioning of a disrupted health system, rendering a system notorious for its resilience at the verge of a breakdown. As a result, the ability to respond to the increased needs of a growing population was deterred. Equitable access to care was exceptionally difficult for people with vulnerabilities. Worsening in health outcomes was noted at many fronts: life expectancy, maternal mortality, under 5 mortality, and childhood vaccination. Previously forgotten diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, and most recently cholera re-emerged, and the health gains of previous years have started to fade away...