Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani stressed that false information has been circulated concerning the financial ceilings and the performance of the Lebanese Forces ministers was criticized, while these latter ministers have proved to be an example that should be followed in the government.
Hasbani was quoted as saying by the state-run Tele Liban the financial prosecutor heard Tuesday two counselors who were found innocent. “We respect any judicial decision taken and the allegations and what was said about us were found to be wrong,” Hasbani added.
The financial ceilings
Hasbani explained the issue of the financial ceilings saying that in the previous years no mechanism was adopted for these ceilings which were set without clear standards. “We have adopted a mechanism based on the size of the hospital, the real number of beds, the services provided and the cost of bed. We found out that the declared number of beds in the syndicate was incorrect. The head of the association was informed and we adopted the existing number of beds in each hospital.”
“The mechanism for the financial ceilings that we have submitted to the cabinet since 2017 was not included in the agenda. Therefore, we referred to the powers stipulated in the law that give the minister the right to amend the financial ceilings as needed,” the Minister of Public Health added.
No shortage in drugs
As for drug shortages, Hasbani noted that there was no lack of free drugs in Quarantine and all what has been circulated was not true. There are many drugs of which prices were cut off according to a specific mechanism.
“The drugs available in the Lebanese markets are from all the countries and abide by all mechanisms and conditions. 25 thousand patients benefit from the drugs provided by the Ministry of Public Health,” Hasbani added.
The Ministry of Public Health conducts permanent awareness campaigns to prevent diseases. An awareness campaign on obesity will be launched soon, knowing that these campaigns receive technical and financial support from the World Health Organization and the World Bank respectively.
Food Safety
Hasbani tackled food safety saying that the Ministry of Public Health conducted 29 thousand inspections and issued 10 thousand warnings. “We have never heard about them in the media because they tarnish the reputation of the Lebanese food sector. We have also launched the Application “Ballegh Lel Soha” that enables the citizens to report to the ministry on any violation,” Hasbani noted