NNA- Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani opened the regional conference on fragility fractures prevention organized by the Fragility Fracture Network FFN hosted by Bellevue Medical center and the multidisciplinary center for spine diseases treatment that presents a different approach to the treatment in this field, in the presence of a large number of Lebanese and international physicians and nurses.
The vice president for medical Affairs at Bellevue Medical center Pr. Ghassan Maalouf stated that 44% of the Lebanese office workers and 54% of the hospital staff suffer from low back pain, which makes it the second major cause of visiting the doctor, the fifth cause of entering the hospital, and the third cause of undergoing a surgery. Hence, we have decided to open the spine center and make the dream of Pr. Nabil Okais come true, given the importance of the multidisciplinary healthcare and the need to cover mental and physical therapies, orthopedics and neurosurgery.
In a statement, Hasbani noted that it was an honor for him to sponsor this ceremony, and was always happy to see the medical staff gathered to develop medical and human health care services.
Hasbani also stressed on the fact that people surrounding patients need as well care and attention from the medical staff, which makes this latter or the health sector in general at the highest level of the national and social responsibilities.
The Conference
The conference that will last three days will discuss the latest scientific developments and the treatments in orthopedics. It includes 11 international speakers among the best around the world where they will share the most advanced methods in orthopedics, such as limb and spine surgeries and low back pain.