The Information Office of the Ministry of Public Health issued the following statement:
A shipment of fresh eggs produced in Lebanon arrived to Qatar on 29/03/2018 and was detained since the date of production is 01/04/2018, which follows the date of arrival, as reported by the Food Control Department of the Qatari Ministry of Health to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health.
The MoPH immediately sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture to ascertain how the shipment obtained a health certificate from the veterinary Quarantine center of the Ministry of Agriculture. A copy of the same was sent to the Ministry of Economy and Trade.
In parallel, a team from the Ministry’s Health Department in Aley District has been dispatched to inspect the exporting company. This was found to export more than one food product; eggs and vegetables, without a packaging license from the Ministry of Industry or health certificates from the MoPH. It was also found that labels with dates subsequent to the date of production were placed on goods to be exported.
Hence, the Security Forces were asked for support and the company was closed and sealed.
The MoPH submitted as well a letter to the public Prosecution Office in Mount-Lebanon to take the necessary action in this regard for the interest of Lebanon and its economic relations.