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Lebanon National Drugs Database

This section represents the official information about the pharmaceutical products registered & marketed at the Ministry of Public Health
You can search in the form below for information related to drugs including Subsidy percentage

Drugs code ending with "/945" are subject to the Resolution 945/1 date 3/10/2022
ATC Name B/G Ingredients Dosage Form Price
C05BX51 DOXIPROCT B Calcium dobesilate - 4%, Lidocaine HCl - 2% Ointment 610,104 L.L
G04BX14 PRILIGY B Dapoxetine (hydrochloride) - 60mg 60mg Tablet, film coated 1,957,979 L.L
J07BB01 INFLUVAC TETRA B Influenza virus surface antigens inactivated (haemagglutinin and neuraminidase) - 15mcg/4strains/0.5ml Injectable suspension 970,254 L.L
N01AH06 ULTIVA B Remifentanil (HCl) - 5mg 5mg Injectable powder for solution 3,119,058 L.L
S02DA01 OTIPAX B Lidocaine HCl - 1g/100g, Phenazone - 4g/100g Drops 236,516 L.L
L01ED01 XALKORI B Crizotinib - 200mg 200mg Capsule 347,644,061 L.L
A11EX BECOZYM FORTE B Nicotinamide - 50mg, Calcium Pantothenate - 25mg, Biotin - 0.15mg, Vitamin B12 - 10mcg, Vitamin B6 - 10mg, Vitamin B2 - 15mg, Vitamin B1 - 15mg Capsule 290,270 L.L
C05BX51 DOXIPROCT PLUS B Calcium dobesilate - 4%, Dexamethasone acetate - 0.0025%, Lidocaine HCl - 2% Ointment 489,159 L.L
C09CA07 MICARDIS B Telmisartan - 40mg 40mg Tablet 760,615 L.L
D10AF02 ERYFLUID B Erythromycin base - 40mg/ml 4% Lotion 486,471 L.L
G04CA01 XATRAL XL B Alfuzosin HCl - 10mg 10mg Tablet, prolonged release 1,061,636 L.L
J01DC02 ZINNAT B Cefuroxime (axetil) - 500mg 500mg Tablet, film coated 860,034 L.L
J07BB01 VAXIGRIPTETRA, VACCIN GRIPPAL QUADRIVALENT (INACTIVE A VIRION FRAGMENTE) B Influenza vaccine virus (inactivated, split) - 15mcg/4strains/0.5ml Injectable suspension 970,254 L.L
L01EB04 TAGRISSO B Osimertinib - 80mg 80mg Tablet, film coated 9,893,832 L.L
R05CB06 MUCOSOLVAN B Ambroxol HCl - 30mg/5ml 30mg/5ml Syrup 380,307 L.L
S02DC WAXSOL B Docusate sodium - 0.5% 0.5% Drops solution 157,230 L.L
L01ED03 ALECENSA B Alectinib - 150mg 150mg Capsule, hard 490,837,809 L.L
N03AX18 VIMPAT B Lacosamide - 200mg 200mg Tablet, film coated 13,357,859 L.L
A11GA01 REDOXON EFF.ORANGE B Ascorbic acid (vit C) - 1g 1g Tablet, effervescent 366,869 L.L
C05CA03 DIOVENOR 600 B Diosmin - 600mg 600mg Tablet, film coated 1,089,856 L.L
J07BB02 INFLUVAC B Grippal virus surface antigen 3strains - 15mcgx3strains/0.5ml Injectable suspension 573,821 L.L
L01EC01 ZELBORAF B Vemurafenib - 240mg 240mg Tablet, film coated 2,329,828 L.L
N03AX11 TOPAMAX B Topiramate - 50mg 50mg Tablet 1,914,976 L.L
L01ED04 ALUNBRIG B Brigatinib - 30mg 30mg Tablet, film coated 116,420,555 L.L
N03AX18 VIMPAT B Lacosamide - 10mg/ml 10mg/ml Injectable solution 13,225,715 L.L
A03AB02 GLYCOPYRROLATE B Glycopyronium Bromide - 0.2mg/ml 0.2mg/ml Injectable solution 7,238,185 L.L
C05CA03 DIOVENOR 600 B Diosmin - 600mg 600mg Tablet 544,256 L.L
J07BC01 ENGERIX-B 20 B Hepatitis B, purified antigen - 20mcg/ml 20mcg/ml Injectable suspension 1,652,926 L.L
L01ED01 XALKORI B Crizotinib - 250mg 250mg Capsule 5,702,209 L.L
N01AH06 ULTIVA B Remifentanil (HCl) - 2mg 2mg Injectable powder for solution 1,703,992 L.L
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