Laboratory Based Surveillance |
Report of “2025-03-10” |
For the week starting on Monday 2025-02-17, 246 reports were received. The completeness has reached 77% and the timeliness 72%. |
خلال الاسبوع الذي يبدأ بيوم الاثنين 2025-02-17 ، تم استلام 246 تقرير.
Figure 1: Weekly Completeness and Timeliness |
Figure 2a: Completeness by caza (past 4 weeks) |
Figure 2b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks) |
Figure 3a: Completeness by caza (past 4 weeks) |
Figure 3b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks) |
During the week starting on 2025-02-24 of the report, the following positive culture were reported: 6 for Pneumococcus, 40 for Streptococcus, 5 for Haemophilus influenzae, 2 for Neisseria meningitidis, 0 for Listeria, 0 for Brucella, 4 for Salmonella, 0 for Shigella, 85 for Esherichia coli, 0 for Vibrio cholerae, 0 and for Campylobacter. |
خلال الاسبوع المبتدئ بتاريخ 2025-02-24 , تم الابلاغ عن الفحوصات الايجابية التالية: 6 للعقدية التنفسية، 40 للعقديات، 5 للمستدمية الانزلية، 2 للنيسرية السحائية، 0 لليستريا، 0 للبروسيلا، 4 للسلمونيلا، 0 للشيغيلا، 85 للايشيرشيا كولي، 0 لضمة الكوليرا، 0 للكمبيلباكتر. |
Table 1: Positive culture by findings and week
STR: Streptococcus, PNM: Pneumococcus, HMP: Haemophilus influenza, NEM: Neisseria meningitidis, BRU: Brucella, LST: Listeria, SAL: Salmonella, SHG: Shigella, ECO: E. coli; VBR: Vibrio cholera, CMP: Campulobacter | |
Figure 4a: Streptococcus isolated by week |
Figure 4b: Pneumococcus isolated by week |
Figure 4c: Haemophilus isolated by week |
Figure 4d: Meningococcus isolated by week |
Figure 4e: Listeria isolated by week |
Figure 4f: Brucella isolated by week |
Figure 4g: Salmonella isolated by week |
Figure 4h: Shigella isolated by week |
Figure 4i: E. coli isolated by week |
Figure 4j: Vibrio cholerae isolated by week |
Figure 4k: Campylobacter isolated by week |
For the same week, the reported positive stool direct tests were as following: 138 for entamoeba, and 13 for giardia. |
Table 2: Stool direct testing by week |
خلال ذات الاسبوع، تم الابلاغ عن نتائج ايجابية للفحص المباشر للخروج : 138 للاميابيا و 13 لجيرديا . | |
Figure 5a: Amebia reported by week |
Figure 5b: Giardia reported by week |
During the week starting on 2025-02-24 of the report, the following positive tests were reported: 2 measles, 6 rubella, 38 hepatitis A, 136 rotavirus. |
Table 3: Antigen and Antibody testing by week |
خلال الاسبوع المبتدئ بتاريخ 2025-02-24 , تم الابلاغ عن الفحوصات الايجابية التالية: 2 للحصبة، 6 للحصبة الالمانية، 38 للالتهاب الكبد الفيروسي الالفي، 136 لفيروس روتا . | |
Figure 6a: Measles IgM testing by week |
Figure 6b: Measles IgM positivity rate by week |
Figure 7a: Rubella IgM testing by week |
Figure 7b: Rubella IgM positivity rate by week |
Figure 8a: Hepatitis A IgM testing by week |
Figure 8b: Hepatitis A IgM positivity rate by week |
Figure 9a: Rotavirus antigen testing by week |
Figure 9b: Rotavirus positivity rate by week |
Figure 10a: Influenza rapid test by week |
Figure 10b: Influenza rapid test positivity rate by week |
Figure 11a: Influenza PCR test by week |
Figure 11b: Influenza PCR positivity rate by week |